Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sedona: day 1

I woke up incredibly early this morning, looked at the clock, reconsidered my decision to be up at six in the morning and agreed that an hour more of sleep would be good for me.  I was on the road to Sedona by 9am, but after having to pick up a brush and auxiliary cable at Target, then making one or two dyslexic turns, followed by absent mindedly missing my exit by 15 miles, I found myself standing in the hotel lobby by 12:30.  Now that I do the math of all the obstacles, I'm rather proud of my timing.

I walked into the tiny lobby and Kevin at the front greeted me with a huge familiar smile, "Ms. Eads, I was expecting you!" He nervously fumbled through the reservation cards while reassuring me that all my preferences have been covered when it comes to cost coverage of incidentals.  The clerk at the hotel last night in Phoenix did not seem to understand these terms, so I was overjoyed to know that I was finished with these petty battles for the remainder of this trip.

Everywhere I travel I seem to make an impression on the desk clerks, this is mostly due the fact that I cannot manage to remember to grab my room key on the way out of the room so they see me on nearly a daily basis.  In this case though, I couldn't seem to keep my key card activated on my last visit to Sedona.  The room is not the same as the one from last time.  I know my hotel in Beaumont and Port Arthur are very good about keeping me in the same room, I prefer the ones off to the side away from the commotion, and with the familiarity of 'my room'.  When you are away from home, ever little bit helps.  But this room they have me in has two beds for some reason, and windows at every angle that are highly trafficked areas.  It's a room though, so I'm happy to have it all taken care of.

I did find myself developing lines of alliteration in my head as I drove the winding roads of Arizona...which is mostly what caused me to miss my exit for 179 North.  This will have been the first poem I've written since possibly college.   Dark and intense as usual of course.  So I'm going to spend the rest of my evening weaving words...until next time!

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